Quinte Chiropractic & Sports Injury Clinic - Jaw & Orofacial Pain Therapy

The First Jaw Centre in Belleville and Quinte Area

About Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)

The Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) is a flexible, rotating and sliding joint comprised of a ball-shaped condyle covered in fibrocartilage, a fibrous disc, and a socket lined with fibrocartilage (fossa). It also includes ligaments, tendons, blood vessels, and nerves. The fibrous disc acts as a shock absorber and stabilizer, allowing smooth movement between the condyle and the fossa. When you open your jaw, the condyle rotates and slides forward along with the disc.

The Muscles of Mastication

The muscles responsible for chewing, known as the muscles of mastication, connect the mandible (lower jaw) to the maxillae (upper jaw), as well as to the skull and neck. These muscles control various movements of the jaw, including opening, closing, protruding, and shifting side to side, which are essential for speaking, chewing, and swallowing. Additionally, the neck and shoulder muscles support and stabilize the skull on the neck during these jaw functions.

The Importance of Diagnosing TMJ Disorders Before Treatment

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders can significantly impact daily life, causing pain, difficulty chewing, headaches, and more. Accurate diagnosis by our chiropractor, Dr. Ardavan Jafari is the cornerstone of effective treatment. Without identifying the specific cause—whether it’s joint dysfunction, muscle imbalance, or other underlying issues—treatment may only address symptoms rather than resolving the root problem.

Dr. Ardavan Jafari at Quinte Chiropractic has extensive training in jaw and orofacial pain therapy and is uniquely qualified to assess and diagnose a wide range of TMJ disorders. Using a comprehensive approach, they can pinpoint contributing factors and develop tailored treatment plans to restore function, alleviate pain, and improve quality of life. Prioritizing diagnosis ensures treatments are safe, effective, and long-lasting.

TMD Symptoms

  • Headaches (tension or migraine)
  • Pain behind the eyes or blurring of vision
  • Unexplained tooth pain
  • Earaches, congestion or ringing in ears
  • Clicking, popping or grating sound in the jaw joints
  • Limited opening or locking of the jaw
  • Dizziness
  • Pain when chewing
  • Facial pain and/or numbness of face and head
  • Neck and/or throat pain
  • Difficulty in closing the teeth together
  • Tired jaw
  • Hearing loss

TMD Causes

  • Poor posture
  • Neck and upper back restriction, tight facial/mouth muscles/myofascial trigger points
  • Trauma or whiplash
  • Your teeth and your bite
  • Clenching or grinding
  • Mouth breathing
  • Parafunctional habits: nail biting, frowning, chewing on pencils, etc.

Can Chiropractic Care Help Tmj Pain?

Chiropractic care, performed by Dr. Ardavan Jafari at Qunite Chiropractic, is well recognized as an effective and conservative treatment for musculoskeletal disorders such as TMD and CFP. Chiropractic care aids in diagnosing and reducing contributing factors to musculoskeletal problems, reduces inflammation, restores function and promotes repair and regeneration of injured tissues.

TMJ Treatment Options

  • Myofascial release and massage to involved tissues performed by our Quinte chiropractor, Dr. Ardavan Jafari
  • Modalities: ultrasound, tens, iontophoresis, laser light, etc.
  • Acupuncture
  • Joint manipulation/mobilization performed by our Quinte chiropractor, Dr. Ardavan Jafari
  • Spinal-head-jaw and tongue posture training
  • Neuromuscular reduction and exercises
  • Craniosacral therapy

Book your initial TMJ Consultation with Dr. Ardavan Jafari at Quinte Chiropractic today!

Book your initial TMJ Consultation

At Book your initial TMJ Consultation with Dr. Ardavan Jafari at Quinte Chiropractic today!